
The act of inspecting or testing the condition of car subsystems and servicing


The most amazing and wide range of alloy and aftermarket/factory wheels


Tires that we offer are of different types: from all-season ones to run flat type

who we are?

Alloys are mixtures of a metal and other elements. They generally provide greater strength over pure metals, which are usually much softer and more ductile. Alloys of aluminium or magnesium are typically lighter.

Easy wheel & tire finder

So we can show you the tyres and wheels that fit your vehicle.

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what we offer

Micro e Smart Repair

Micro e Smart Repair

Un graffio sul paraurti o una piccola ammaccatura sul parafango: danni di piccola entità ma fastidiosi, che spesso non vengono riparati per il...

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Ricondizionamento e Rigenerazione Auto

Ricondizionamento e Rigenerazione Auto

Non siamo solo esperti di interventi tradizionali e strutturali di riparazione di carrozzeria, ma ci occupiamo anche di tutti quei trattamenti...

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Vettura di cortesia

Vettura di cortesia

La nostra organizzazione fornisce, se il Cliente ne ha esigenza, la vettura di cortesia…

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Why choose us


Riparazione e Sostituzione Cristalli

I danni a cristalli e vetri degli autoveicoli sono degli imprevisti...

Customer Service

Il nostro Customer service l’assistenza che offriamo ai nostri...

30 anni di esperienza

Il tempo parla per noi. Le nostre referenze nel territorio sono il nostro...

Top Wheels Brands

Our professional team will help you choose perfect parts for your vehicle
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Find the right tires

A great source of premium products with the worldwide delivery
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New Products

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100% guarantee!

We guarantee that the products you have purchased will fit your vehicle.

Tire check tuesday

Sing up for a free ``TYRE CHECK TUESDAY`` SMS reminder.

We test tires so you don’t have to

Over 500 tire tests to ensure you get the perfect tire for your vehicle.
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Our Customers

John Smith
All I needed for my car was a set of nice rims with good quality tires. I found everything here, in one place. Thanks
John Smith
Chris Phillips
I appreciate your help with installation, as well as fast delivery, individual approach and affordable cost. Thanks a lot!
Chris Phillips
Adam Jones
I loved the service, the range of products and the overall atmosphere in your store. You guys are real professionals.
Adam Jones
Allianz Assicurazioni
Vittoria Assicurazioni
Reale Mutua
Cattolica Assicurazioni
Italiana Assicurazioni
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